We are announcing some contact information updates in Chief Judge Hall’s chambers. After more than three decades of dedicated public service, Courtroom Deputy Denise Calvert is retiring on September 30, 2023. Denise’s successor is Dominique McGee, who will begin full-time courtroom deputy duties on Monday, October 2, 2023. Dominique will retain Denise’s telephone number, and, beginning October 2, 2023, she will be available to respond to any courtroom deputy questions about Chief Judge Hall’s docket at 405-609-5662 or by email at Judge_Hall_CRD@okwb.uscourts.gov.
We cannot thank Denise enough for the steadfast and exceptional support she has provided to Judge Bohanan and Chief Judge Hall. Denise has been an excellent liaison with the Bar and will be sorely missed. Denise has been working closely with Dominique, a former Case Administrator II in the Clerk’s Office, to ensure a smooth transition. We wish Denise the best in her well-earned retirement, and we welcome Dominique to her new role.
If you have any questions or want more information, please contact us at trainers@okwb.uscourts.gov or at 405-609-5700.